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CEOs, CMOs, CPO's Hire Me to Drive Business Growth

  • Customer adoption of their AI solution

  • Employee adoption of AI

  • Revenue growth for B2C -- increased visits, retention, and average sale; higher CRO and purchases of new, higher value products.


NEW! CRO Lunch & Learn

(Conversion Rate Optimization)

We teach you how to increase your conversion rate using strategic, time-tested marketing principles and behavioral design.

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Cutting CX Costs, Improving the Customer Experience

Through Driva Solutions, a boutique customer experience consulting firm for the world's most innovative clients, including Apple, Google, Costco, and TMobile. Driva helps organizations achieve the CX trifecta: lower costs, higher revenue, and a better customer experience. 

What I Do for Driva: Customer Insights & Behavior Change

In-depth Interviews, Quantitative Benchmarking, Sentiment analysis, Social Listening, Observation, Behavioral Economics, Predictive Analytics, Guided Experimentation

the strategic expertise of a big brand, the scrappiness of a startup
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